Meet My Dolls

Name: Elizabeth Jane Cole
Birthday: March 3rd
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Animal: Kangaroo
Favorite Food: Strawberry Yogurt
Favorite Thing To Do: Play and do Addy's Hair
Place Of Birth: Nashville, Tennessee
Age: 8
Name: Catherine Terese Jackson
Birthday: December 13th
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Animal: Seahorse
Favorite Food: Salad
Favorite Thing To Do: Plant Flowers
Place Of Birth: San Antonio, Texas
Age: 7
Name: Rebecca Rose Rubin
Birthday: August 18th
Favorite Color: Light Yellow
Favorite Animal: Kittens
Favorite Food: Apples
Favorite Thing To Do: Play with her ALL her toys
Place Of Birth: New York City, New York
Age: 6 
Name: Natalee Mae Dixon
Birthday: December 25th
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Animal: Eagle 
Favorite Food: Cooked Ham
Favorite Thing To Do: Swim and IM-MEing
Place Of Birth: Reno, Nevada  
Age: 8
Name: Kanani Lee Akina
Birthday: February 14th
Favorite Color: Sea Blue
Favorite Animal: Seals
Favorite Food: Shave Ice
Favorite Thing To Do: Surf and Cook
Place Of Birth: O'ahu, Hawaii
Age: 9
I also have six mini dolls, Addy belongs to Elizabeth,
Samantha belongs to Rebecca, Special Edition Kaya
Belongs to Catherine, Elizabeth and Ruthie belong to
Kanani, and Marie-Grace belongs to Natalee.

My sister Gabby to a picture of Catherine.