Saturday, April 28, 2012

About Me Quiz!

Hello people!
Well, I decided to do a quiz about me, these are (random) things about me. :P 
You don't know much about me, so this is just guessing!
It works just as a normal quiz, there's a question, and you pick either A, B, C, or D. Oh, some might be True or False!!! 
Have fun!
FYI, the answers are at the bottom!

1. True or False. I LOVED playing My Little Ponies when I was younger.



2. When I eat scrambled eggs, I use both salt and pepper on it. Do I put the salt first or the pepper?

A. Pepper!

B. Salt!

3. I LOVE Monster High. I am wanting a first doll, which doll is it?

A. Draculaura

B. Cleo de Nile

C. Lagoona Blue

D. Abbey Bombinable

4. True or False. Rebecca was my first doll.


5. I have a 4 year-old neighbor next door, what does her name starts with?

A. A

B. M

C. L

D. O

6. True or False. I think kittens are cuter then puppies.



7. True or False. I am horrible at art.



8. How many siblings do I have?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 5

11.  True or False. I sprained my arm in Kindergarden.



12. In First Grade, our class did small reports on presidents. Which one do you think I did?

A. Franklin D. Roosevelt

B. George Washington

C. Teddy Roosevelt

D. John Adams

13. True or False. I'm going to a One Direction concert.




1. True

2. B

3. D

4. False

5. C

6. True

7.  False (my friends think I'm awesome at it:) 

8. C

9. True

10. A

11. True

I hoped you liked it! And I'm sorry if you didn't and thought it was dumb.

See ya,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Kayla! This was so cool! Although, I got all of them wrong except for one :P


    PS: Follow me please? ^^^
